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Webinar | Musculoskeletal Disorders

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Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the most common work-related health issues across all industries - issues such as back pain, neck and upper limb problems account for 15.4% of all absences from work.

At International SOS, we manage a wide variety of health issues for our clients, both onshore and offshore. By reducing and preventing risks to health, we help clients meet their business objectives. Our access to unrivalled health data, providing meaningful insight into key trends, allows us to look in detail at the incidence of musculoskeletal issues. This webinar gives us the opportunity to share with our clients some of the data gathered over the past three years.  

By combining awareness of the factors we can control (such as working environment, posture, movement and repetition) with specialist advice, our clients can focus on prevention and help to ensure safer working environments for employees. The webinar is intended to last around 50 minutes, including a Q&A session, and is designed for senior management responsible for their company's health agenda